Jodhpur streets

India: Jodhpur Streets

My flickr contact ChoongChing posted this wonderfully rich image of a street in Rajasthan, India taken with his Ricoh GR.

The residential area is pictured at dusk at Jodhpur in Rajasthan, April 5, 2015. Jodhpur, also known as the blue city, was originally home to the highest caste of Hindus, setting them apart from the rest of the population.

It is thought that Brahmins – members of the priestly class – first took to colouring their houses blue (yet perhaps it should really be called indigo) to signify their domicile and to set them apart from the rest of the population.

Soon, however, the rest of the population followed suit. History does not tell us which brave non-Brahmin was the first to do it, yet it happened and since that day the people of Jodhpur have steadfastly maintained this tradition.

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