
Proximity BBDO work for Carte Noire

Petit chou de café

Carte Noire is a French coffee company and they’ve commissioned some amazing video advertisements that show the making of a variety of high end deserts that go along with their coffee.

These ads are beautifully produced by Proximity BBDO. The photography is incredible, and the sound is too (they use a stretch sound a lot to support the visuals).

I’ve been following this work for a while (Rose) but wanted to do another post because it relates so closely to what makes great photography great (depth, context).

It would be fun to see a behind the scenes making-of video produced with the same style as these.

Zoom it out, turn it up. Enjoy. And don’t drool on your keyboard.

Tiramisu pistache de café

Millefeuille choco-framboise de café

Espumas de mangue au caviar de café

Scratches in the desert

Scratches in the Desert

Above Eastern California. One of the many things I enjoy about looking out the window on airplanes is the evidence of interaction between humans and the landscape they inhabit. I find it entertaining to project "aerial social psychology" onto why some roads go straight and keep going straight right through mountains, while others take a more leisurely approach, end-running a mountain or turning to find a narrower place to cross a river. Built on top of this is the possibility that humans might want to live where two of these roads cross.

Of course, 30,000 feet and not knowing exactly what I’m looking at removes me from the actual history of the place which may explain all of this seemingly arbitrary stuff. For instance, this "town" looks more like a mining operation. Maybe some future GPS device will be hooked up to some future wikipedia and historic google maps so that we can rewind aerial views to see how and why they evolved. I hope I’m still around then.