Proximity BBDO

Proximity BBDO work for Carte Noire

Petit chou de café

Carte Noire is a French coffee company and they’ve commissioned some amazing video advertisements that show the making of a variety of high end deserts that go along with their coffee.

These ads are beautifully produced by Proximity BBDO. The photography is incredible, and the sound is too (they use a stretch sound a lot to support the visuals).

I’ve been following this work for a while (Rose) but wanted to do another post because it relates so closely to what makes great photography great (depth, context).

It would be fun to see a behind the scenes making-of video produced with the same style as these.

Zoom it out, turn it up. Enjoy. And don’t drool on your keyboard.

Tiramisu pistache de café

Millefeuille choco-framboise de café

Espumas de mangue au caviar de café